
Standing Desk News, Product Info, & Health Tips | UPLIFT Desk Blog

New Active Seating Alert: The E3 Crescent Saddle Stool and E3 Donut Stool Make Sitting Fun
It's well-known the importance of moving more throughout the day. Sitting for more than a few hours is bad for you and the negative effects of sitting add up: your spine is less supported, your body's blood flow slows, and your focus diminishes - and those are only the short-term effects. That's why it's not only important to switch postures more throughout the day, it's crucial to your health and productivity (have you even tried to focus on a task when you're uncomfortable? It's not easy). You may already know about some of our other active seating options available. Our Motion Stool is great for people who want the most dynamic movement from their active stool, allowing you t … read more